Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Diferrence Between Management and Administration

The board Vs Administration Page 1. INTRODUCTION†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 2 †¢ Meaning of Administration†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 2 †¢ Meaning of Management†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 2. THE MAIN BODY†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 4 †¢ The contrasts among organization and the board with down to earth examples†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 4 3. CONCLUSION†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 5 4. REFERENCES†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦6According to Haimann,T (197 8) â€Å"Managing the Modern Organization’’ Administration implies in general assurance of approaches, setting of significant targets, ID of general purposes and setting down of wide projects and tasks while the board is the workmanship completing things through and with individuals in officially sorted out gatherings (Koontz, H 1961, â€Å"The the executives hypothesis jungle† Administration is the widespread procedure of arranging individuals and assets proficiently to coordinate exercises toward shared objectives and objectives.It is a procedure since it includes a progression of steps in sorting out individuals and different assets and consequently one stage can't be neglected while the board is a human activity including configuration to encourage the creation of valuable results from a framework. Another American master, McFarland (1962) in his book, â€Å"American Foundation for Management Research† he characterized organization as alludes to the assurance of significant goals and arrangements while the board to the doing of the activities intended to achieve the points and effectuate the poicies.Therefore it might give the idea that both the terms, in particular organization and the board are indicative of indeed the very same importance, yet there is in reality a contrasts between the two as follows. Organization is the study of deciding the strategies and destinations of an association or a firm, while the executives is the demonstration of trying the approaches and targets confined by the organization. It would thus be able to be said that organization is a determinative capacity though the executives is official capacity. Highlight article about Production ManagementIt is official as in it executes the targets and arrangements that are as of now encircled by the organization and remembered for the constitution. A genuine model can be taken from our Tanzanian clerical model where by Ministers take jobs of defining expansive goal, arrangements and objectives for the service (overseer) while the translation and the execution of the set down approaches targets and objectives stay in the possession of executives and other capable faculty (managers)Also organization involves top level staff that have added to the capital, that are accomplices of the organization or the association while the board includes a gathering of chiefs that display their aptitude in incorporating the destinations of the association. It very well may be basically said that the administration is straightforwardly heavily influenced by organization or the organization controls the management.For model, budgetary foundation chiefs lik e bank supervisors shows their administrative aptitudes by expanding the capital or benefit of the bank in order to satisfy the pre set down targets by the governing body or proprietor (executive). Along these lines the board would endure if the organization is fulfilled by the administration scholarly show. Henceforth the board ought to carefully contain capable administrators that show their capacity in converting into training what the organization expects of them.Moreover arranging is the key factor of an organization while inspiration is the key factor of the executives. Arranging of all exercises in a predefined timeframe of an association is finished by the organization then administration decide on how the arranged mediations in a given time can be practiced whereby it might include a few inspirations as a rule to raise spirit of execution. It is imperative to take note of that managerial handles the most crucial part of an association, to be specific, finance.This is becaus e of the way that organization composes assets in order to utilize them to satisfy their central goal. While the board doesn't deal with the delicate issue of account however handles the technique for activity to do the system of the organization. Along these lines administrators must be master of the important field he/she work. For instance, bank supervisor must be a specialist of the money related field like records, business organization e. tcAdministration additionally takes imperative choices of an association though the board isn't approved to take fundamental choices of an association however can take choices inside a specific structure, by the endorsement of the organization. For instance, bank chiefs can't choose to have business understanding or agreements like credits without earlier endorsement by the organization. Likewise organization is made of overseers who are much of the time found in government, strict, military and instructive associations, while the board is ma de up by chiefs who are found in exceptional projects and business establishment only.CONCLUSION as a rule, organization is worried about the general assurance of arrangements and targets and defining of significant objectives and spreading out the wide projects, though, the executives signifies execution of the goals and projects. REFERENCES †¢ Haimann, T. (1978) Managing the Modern Organization, second Edition, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH). †¢ Saleemi, N,A (2011), Principles and practice of Management Simplified, second Revised Edition, Saleemi Publication LTD. †¢ Koontz, H. (1961) The Management Theory Jungle, in Journal of the foundation of Management. †¢ Lecture hand out PUB 113

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Amazing Sand Dollar Facts

Stunning Sand Dollar Facts A sand dollar (Echinarachnius parma) is an echinoid, a kind of invertebrate creature whose skeletons-called tests-are regularly found on sea shores the world over. The test is generally white or grayish-white, with a star-formed checking in its inside. The basic name for these creatures originates from their similarity to silver dollars. At the point when they are alive, sand dollars look entirely different. They are secured with short, smooth spines thatâ are shaded purple to ruddy earthy colored. Quick Facts: Sand Dollar Logical Name: Echinarachnius parmaCommon Name(s): Common sand dollar or northern sand dollar; otherwise called ocean treats, snapper bread rolls, sand cakes, cake urchins, or pansy shellsBasic Animal Group: InvertebrateSize: Live grown-up creatures measure between 2â€4 creeps in distance across, and roughly 1/3 inch thick Lifespan: 8â€10 yearsDiet: CarnivoreHabitat: Northern pieces of the Atlantic and Pacific oceansPopulation: UnknownConservation Status: Not assessed Portrayal Living creatures of the normal sand dollar (Echinarachnius parma) species are for the most part sub-round, estimating roughly 2â€4 crawls over, and are covered with spines that are purple, rosy purple or earthy colored in shading. The trial of the sand dollar is its endoskeleton-it is called an endoskeleton since it lies underneath the sand dollarsâ spines and skin, and it is made of combined calcareous plates. This is unique in relation to the skeletons of different echinoderms-ocean stars, bin stars, and fragile stars have littler plates that are adaptable, and the skeleton of ocean cucumbers is comprised of minuscule ossicles covered in the body. The top (aboral) surface of the sand dollar testâ has an example that resembles five petals. There are five arrangements of cylinder feet that reach out from these petals, which the sand dollar utilizes for breath. The sand dollars butt is situated at the back of the creature found in the edge of the test underneath the single vertical line stretching out from the focal point of the star. Sand dollars move by utilizing the spines situated on their underside.â <img information srcset=https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/_TLhz-dX1KTccVgr_Rtk8mrLqeI=/300x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/sanddollar-assortment 951967552-5c4e3bcfc9e77c0001d7badb.jpg 300w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/1ToIz1ToRn2ENxcd7g_EjERZbCg=/1537x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/sanddollar-assortment 951967552-5c4e3bcfc9e77c0001d7badb.jpg 1537w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/H_YEBS1DMTkITDQoZns5Jo1g__c=/2774x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/sanddollar-assortment 951967552-5c4e3bcfc9e77c0001d7badb.jpg 2774w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/PsiJ5NlDKU3GUew7tQcJe1MLHIM=/5250x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/sanddollar-assortment 951967552-5c4e3bcfc9e77c0001d7badb.jpg 5250w information src=https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/An AVCJCkjgBHWg3Hmh6eHTuOtik=/5250x3500/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/sanddollar-assortment 951967552-5c4e3bcfc9e77c0001d7badb.jpg src=//:0 alt=Close up of heap of sanddollars class=lazyload information click-tracked=true information img-lightbox=true information expand=300 id=mntl-sc-square image_1-0-10 information following container=true /> Daniela Duncan/Getty Images Species Sand dollars are echinoderms, which means like ocean stars, ocean cucumbers, and ocean urchins, they have a transmitting game plan of parts and a body divider solidified by hard pieces, for example, spines. Truth be told, they are fundamentally level ocean urchins and are in a similar class, Echinoidea, as ocean urchins. This class is partitioned into two gatherings: the standard echinoids (ocean urchins and pencil urchins) and sporadic echinoids (heart urchins, ocean bread rolls, and sand dollars). The unpredictable echinoids have a front, a back and essential reciprocal evenness on the typical pentameral balance (five sections around an inside) that standard echinoids possess.â There are numerous speciesâ of sand dollars. Other than E. parma, those discovered ordinarily in the United States include: Dendraster excentricus (Eccentric, western, or Pacific sand dollar) are found in the Pacific Ocean from Alaska to Baja, California. These sand dollars develop to around 4 crawls across and have dark, purple or blackish spines.Clypeaster subdepressus (Sand dollar, ocean bread) live in the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, from the Carolinas to Brazil. Mellita sp. (Keyhole sand dollars or keyhole urchins) are found in tropical waters in the Atlantic, Pacific, and the Caribbean Sea. There are around 11 types of keyhole sand dollars. Sand dollars are delegated follows: Realm: AnimaliaPhylum: EchinodermataClass: Clypeasteroida (incorporates sand dollars and ocean bread rolls) Territory and Distribution Regular sand dollars have been found all through the North Pacific and eastern North Atlantic seas, at areas from just underneath the intertidal zone to more than 7,000 feet. As their name recommends, sand dollars want to live in the sand, in densities going somewhere in the range of .5 and 215 for every 10.7 square foot. They utilize their spines to tunnel into the sand, where they look for assurance and food. Adult sand dollars-those more than 2 creeps in distance across live in the intertidal zone. Most sand dollars live in seawater (saline situations), albeit a few species do happen in estuarine natural surroundings which join of stream and lake water, and are synthetically unmistakable from saline or freshwater conditions. Studies show that sand dollars require a specific degree of saltiness to prepare their eggs. <img information srcset=https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/PKa7E1igCHQwHLtqHtgT9NTrzRU=/300x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/before-the-sea shore 155581188-5c4e3d2e46e0fb00014c36fb.jpg 300w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/ZnSS7PYE9uUASwa8s-MFm5qU3aM=/855x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/before-the-sea shore 155581188-5c4e3d2e46e0fb00014c36fb.jpg 855w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/IFx9FEk7al8foEW2PhzPk0zSG2o=/1410x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/before-the-sea shore 155581188-5c4e3d2e46e0fb00014c36fb.jpg 1410w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/bTZuAmXZehCPwdF82RKGsSUcfXw=/2520x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/before-the-sea shore 155581188-5c4e3d2e46e0fb00014c36fb.jpg 2520w information src=https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/nnfdAuhc07POLK57cfNVglJ2kHk=/2520x1680/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/before-the-sea shore 155581188-5c4e3d2e46e0fb00014c36fb.jpg src=//:0 alt=Close up of sand dollar tunneling into the sand. class=lazyload information click-tracked=true information img-lightbox=true information expand=300 id=mntl-sc-square image_1-0-27 information following container=true /> The sand dollar utilizes its spines to tunnel into sand. Douglas Klug/Getty Images Diet and Behavior Sand dollars feed on little food particles in the sand, regularly infinitesimally measured green growth, however they do likewise eat pieces of different creatures and have been classed as carnivores as indicated by the World Register of Marine Species. The particles land on the spines, and afterward are shipped to the sand dollars mouth by its cylinder feet, pedicellaria (pliers), and mucous-covered cilia. Some ocean urchins lay on their edges in the sand to boost their capacity to get prey that is skimming by.â Like other ocean urchins, the mouth of a sand dollar is called Aristotles lamp and is comprised of five jaws. In the event that you get a sand dollar test and shake it delicately, you may hear the bits of the mouth shaking inside. Proliferation and Offspring There are male and female sand dollars, despite the fact that, all things considered, it is hard to tell which will be which. Proliferation is sexual and achieved by the sand dollars discharging eggs and sperm into the water. The prepared eggs are yellow in shading and covered in a defensive jam, with a normal distance across of around 135 micros, or 1/500th of an inch. They form into little hatchlings, which feed and move utilizing cilia. Following a little while, the hatchling settles to the base, where it transforms. Adolescents (under 2 creeps in distance across) are found in the subtidal zones and gradually relocate into uncovered sea shore zones as they develop; the littlest are found in the most noteworthy sea shore rises. They can cover themselves in the sand up to two inches down, and extremely thick populaces can pile themselves up to three creatures profound. Dangers Sand dollars might be influenced by angling, particularly from base trawling, sea fermentation, which may influence the capacity to frame the test;â climate change, which may influence accessible living space; and assortment. Decreased saltiness brings down treatment rates. In spite of the fact that you can discover a lot of data on the most proficient method to save sand dollars, you should gather just dead sand dollars, never live ones. Sand dollars are not eaten by people, however they can be prey for ocean stars, fish, and crabs. Protection Status The sand dollar isn't right now recorded as an imperiled species. Sand Dollars and Humans Sand dollar tests are sold in shell shops and on the web, for beautiful purposes or gifts and frequently with a card or engraving referencing the Legend of the Sand Dollar. Such references are related with Christian folklore, proposing that the five-pointed star in the focal point of the highest point of the sand dollars test is a portrayal of the Star of Bethlehem that guided the shrewd men to the child Jesus. The five openings in the test are said to speak to Jesuss wounds during his torturous killing: the four injuries in his grasp and feet and the fifth in his side. On the underside of the sand dollar test, it is said that there is a layout of a Christmas poinsettia; and in the event that you tear it open, you will discover five little bones that speak to pigeons of harmony. These birds are really the

Sunday, August 9, 2020

2019 National Book Awards Translated Literature Longlist Announced

2019 National Book Awards Translated Literature Longlist Announced The National Book Foundation announced the  2019 National Book Awards Translated Literature longlist.  This prize, which represents a permanent fifth National Book Award category, was added last year and honors a work of fiction or nonfiction that has been translated into English and published in the U.S. It was awarded last year  to The Emissary by Yoko Tawada, translated by  Margaret Mitsutani. This years longlist includes  seven novels, two memoirs, and a collection of essaysâ€"originally written in ten different languages! Find more on these outstanding #NBAwards authors and translators at our website.  https://t.co/Z3DuQDCUP7 pic.twitter.com/16YBtLPCyc National Book Foundation (@nationalbook) September 17, 2019 2019 National Book Awards Translated Literature Longlist When Death Takes Something from You Give It Back: Carl’s Book by  Naja Marie Aidt, translated by  Denise Newman The Collector of Leftover Souls: Field Notes on Brazil’s Everyday Insurrections by  Eliane Brum, translated by Diane Grosklaus Whitty Space Invaders by Nona Fernández, translated by Natasha Wimmer Will and Testament by  Vigdis Hjorth, translated by Charlotte Barslund Death Is Hard Work by  Khaled Khalifa, translated by Leri Price Baron Wenckheim’s Homecoming by  László Krasznahorkai, translated by Ottilie Mulzet The Barefoot Woman by  Scholastique Mukasonga, translated by Jordan Stump The Memory Police by  Yoko Ogawa, translated by Stephen Snyder Crossing by  Pajtim Statovci, translated by David Hackston Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead by  Olga Tokarczuk, translated by Antonia Lloyd-Jones The shortlist will be announced October 8th. The winner will be announced November 20th at the  70th National Book Awards Ceremony. The $10,000 prize will be split evenly between the winning author and translator. The judges for the category this year are Keith Gessen, a founding editor of n+1,   author, and translator; Elisabeth Jaquette, a translator and the executive director of the American Literary Translators Association;  Katie Kitamura, whose most recent novel A Separation has been widely acclaimed;  Idra Novey, author and translator, notably of Clarice Lispector;  and Shuchi Saraswat, a writer and independent bookseller, she is also the curator of the Transnational Literature Series at Brookline Booksmith, an author events series that focuses on migration, exile, and displacement with an emphasis on works in translation. Are any of your favorite books in translation on this list? Are there any you think are missing? Stay tuned for more announcements on longlists for poetry, fiction, and nonfiction! Sign up to Today In Books to receive  daily news and miscellany from the world of books. Thank you for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Poisonwood Bible By Barbara Kingsolver - 1732 Words

The Poisonwood Bible 1998 Historical Fiction Characteristics: Unique location, Primitivism, different ways of speaking and racial views Barbara Kingsolver Barbara Kingsolver, born in 1955, grew up in Kentucky and lived in many different countries such as : England, France, and Canary Islands. She attended Debauw University and University of Arizona where she earned a biology degree. Kingsolver now is a beloved author of eleven books and has been named the most important author of the twentieth century and has had the honor of receiving the National Humanities medal in 2000. In 1998 she wrote â€Å"The Poisonwood Bible† and was short-listed for the pulitzer prize. Kingsolver now resides in Southwestern Virginia with her daughters and husband on a farm. â€Å"The Poisonwood Bible† was published in the year 1998 which is the time that the second Congo War began. Due to this war there is believed to have been 5.4 million fatalities. This was occurring in Africa. Barbara Kingsolver s novel â€Å"The Poisonwood Bible tells the story of the Price family. The story is told from the point of view of Nathan Price s wife and 4 daughters. Nathan Price, a baptist, brings his family with him to the congo on a mission forcing them to leave behind their life and friends back in Georgia. The daughters and wife attempt to put on as much of their clothing and fill up their pockets with all that they could hold due to the weight limit. Upon arrival the Kilanga people have arranged a welcome meal which goesShow MoreRelatedThe Poisonwood Bible By Barbara Kingsolver1124 Words   |  5 PagesIn the novel The Poisonwood Bible, written by Barbara Kingsolver, the reader is introduced to the Price family, Baptist missionaries who are attempting to â€Å"Christianize† the country of Congo, more specifically the village of Kilanga. As the story progresses, the family realizes that they are not changing the Congo; instead, the Congo is changing them. The deve lopment of the characters within the novel is due to the instrument of cruelty. Although distasteful to regard it as such, cruelty motivatesRead MoreThe Poisonwood Bible By Barbara Kingsolver1352 Words   |  6 Pagessuccessful. In the beginning of The Poisonwood Bible, Orleanna introduces to the readers in a third person’s point of view, â€Å"The daughters march behind her, each one tensed to fire off a woman’s heart on a different path to glory or damnation† (5). Orleanna, a mother who lives throughout the story of The Poisonwood Bible, acknowledges how women, in great numbers, are found walking down the path of trying to be successful. The Poisonwood Bible, by Barbara Kingsolver, involves the Price family of 6, whichRead MoreThe Poisonwood Bible By Barbara Kingsolver1142 Words   |  5 PagesThe Poisonwood Bible Nowadays, in today’s society, survival is considered the basic instinct of all humans. Commonly defined as the state of â€Å"continuing to live or exist, in spite of an accident, ordeal or difficult circumstance,†(Dictionary) survival teaches us the will to succeed and face adversity despite the challenges and obstacles we may encounter along the way. In Barbara Kingsolver’s novel â€Å" The Poisonwood Bible,† there is a central theme of survival. Whether it includes finding suppliesRead MoreThe Poisonwood Bible By Barbara Kingsolver1198 Words   |  5 PagesPeriod 2 Part I Title: The Poisonwood Bible Author: Barbara Kingsolver Date of Original Publication: 1998 Biographical information about the author (five facts): -Kingslover was born in 1955 - Throughout her life, she has lived in England, France, and the Canary Islands, and has worked in Europe, Africa, Asia, Mexico, and South America. - Kingsolver was named one the most important writers of the 20th Century by Writers Digest. - Her work, The Poisonwood Bible, was a finalist for the PulitzerRead MoreThe Poisonwood Bible By Barbara Kingsolver1241 Words   |  5 Pagespast and present known society, women have not been treated as the full equals of men. A woman s main value is to support a man, bear children, and housekeeping duties. This is how it has always been in most cultures. The novel, The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver, shows the paternalistic society in which the Price family lives in. In 1959 an obstinate Baptist minister named Nathan Price drags his wife and four daughters deep into the heart of the Congo on a mission to save the unenlightenedRead MoreThe Poisonwood Bible By Barbara Kingsolver1807 Words   |  8 Pageshalf of humanity, for the benefit of all†. Feminism, the act of advocating for female rights in order for them to be equal to those of men, has been an issue for hundreds of years that is sadly lacking present-day progression. In The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingso lver, five females narrate their experiences in Congo during the sixties under not only the Belgian’s rule, but more terribly, under the tyranny of Nathan Price, a Baptist preacher on a mission to convert â€Å"arrogant† Congolese people intoRead MoreThe Poisonwood Bible By Barbara Kingsolver1295 Words   |  6 Pages Imperialism has been a strong and long lasting force, oppressing societies for generations on end. The Poisonwood Bible, by Barbara Kingsolver, demonstrates how the Congo is continuously affected by this concept and ideology. Throughout this story, Kingsolver manipulates each family member and individual within the book, to better show Western and European ideas and attitudes, to convey the large amount of hypocrisy, in foreigner’s actions. No one shows the oppression, inflicted upon the Congo’sRead MoreThe Poisonwood Bible By Barbara Kingsolver1961 Words   |  8 PagesThe poisonwood Bible is a book about identity, growing up and family. The main characters throughout the book grow and learn to become new people through new relationships they develop while in the Congo as well as through struggles they face while in the Congo. Barbara Kingsolver uses the literary elements of plot, the characters, and point of view to develop the characterization and relationships between the Price family in the Poisonwood Bible. Throughout the book Kingsolver uses different aspectsRead MoreEssay on The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver919 Words   |  4 Pagesa sure sense of self. But along with all these great things come regret, guilt, and shame of past events. Everyone deals with these in different ways, sometimes turning to religion and denial as coping mechanisms. In the novel The Poisonwood Bible, By Barbara Kingsolver, each member of the Price family deals with a personal guilt either gained while on their mission in the Congo or long before. This novel exemplifies the different types of guilt the Price family experienced throughout their stay inRead MoreThe Poisonwood Bible By Barbara Kingsolver2015 Words   |  9 PagesThe Poisonwood Bible, written by Barbara Kingsolver, details the experiences of a missionary family in the Congo, narrated by the Price women. Multiple questions are introduced over the course of the novel, some being answered and others not so much. One important theme in the novel is the influence of surroundings on the characters, specifically Leah Price. Leah Price arguably went through the most change and development as a result of her surroundings and environment. Her moral, psychological change

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Things They Carried by Tim OBrien - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1841 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/04/11 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: The Things They Carried Essay Did you like this example? This quote is impactful because it reveals not only the physical baggage that the soldiers carry but also the mental burden. They have to live on with what the outcomes of the war are even after its over. â€Å"They carried the soldiers greatest fear, which was the fear of blushingThey died so as not to die of embarrassment.† (OBrien 20) Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Things They Carried by Tim OBrien" essay for you Create order This quote was impactful for me because it shows that men risked their lives to go to war just to save their reputations. They would rather fight in the war because refusing would mean cowardice and men, according to society can’t be that. â€Å"Some carried themselves with a sort of wistful resignation, others with pride or stiff soldierly discipline or good humor or macho zeal. They were afraid of dying but they were even more afraid of showing it† (O’Brien 19) This quote is impactful because most of these men showed pride during the war to hide their true fears under the mask of humor or enthusiasm. The soldiers could be terrified of being in the war but they still wouldnt show it because it would show lack of bravery. OBrien wrote this to show that they carried much more than guns and equipment, they mostly carried burden in their heads. The outcomes of the war were far worse than they appeared because war changes a person not only physically but psychologically as well. The soldiers were risking not only their lives but their reputations and names as well. Being a coward wasn’t an option, hiding their fears, showing bravery and pride was far more important than showing how they truly felt. Pride, bravery, discipline, good humor, all examples of how they hid those negative feelings they had towards the war. All the weight they carried mentally and emotionally was far worse than it appeared to be on the outside. â€Å"The Man I Killed† â€Å"His jaw was in his throatthere was a slight tear at the lobe of one earhis forehead was slightly freckledthe skin at his left cheek was peeled back in three ragged stripsthere was a butterfly on his chin†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (OBrien 118) This quote is impactful for me because it shows how unusual OBrien’s response was when he took a life. Instead of expressing the guilt, he just stared at the body and grasped every amount of detail he could to prevent himself from thinking about his actions. â€Å"The young man would not have wanted to be a soldier and in his heart would have feared performing badly in battleHe loved mathematicsat school the boys sometimes teased him about how pretty he was†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (OBrien 121) This quote is important because it shows how OBrien deals with the guilt of killing the Vietnamese soldier, by imagining how life was like for him. He does this to hide what he actually feels and maybe also to put himself in his shoes in a certain way. â€Å"there was a butterfly on his chinThe butterfly was making its way along the young mans foreheadAlong the trail there were small blue flowers shaped like † (OBrien 118 120-121) This quote is important because it shows how OBrien repeats the physical features of his victim and references a butterfly on the dead body and blue flowers next to the dead body which is ironic. It shows me that even in death, there is life. O’Brien chose this story to show the effect of death and beauty of life even in death. The effect he wants to invoke on the reader is to put them inside a soldiers head and show them what theyre going through. O’Brien wants the readers to feel how he felt in the moment he took a life and understand the horror of facing death. It also shows the reader how OBrien distanced himself from the death, by creating a life for the soldier. He feels safer by focusing on other things rather than thinking about his actions and feeling guilty. Mentioning the butterfly and flowers near the dead body also shows how there is still hope of life among the war. This story helps develop the next story, â€Å"Ambush†. â€Å"Ambush† â€Å"He was a short, slender young man of about twenty. I was afraid of himand he passed me on the trail I threw a grenade that exploded at his feet and killed him.† (O’Brien 125) This quote is important because it shows how O’Brien has a clear memory of what happened even though it occurred very fast. O’Brien’s repetition of the physical details of the man show how the death was very impactful on him and how he was afraid of him because the effect still haunts him. â€Å"When she was nine, my daughter Kathleen asked me if I had killed someoneSomeday, I hope, shell ask again. But here I want to pretend shes a grown-upThis is why I keep writing war stories†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (O’Brien 125) This quote is impactful because it shows how O’Brien wants to protect his daughter from the horrors of the war. He wants to let his daughter know he did what he felt was right when she is old enough so she understands why he keeps writing war stories and why it is necessary. â€Å"It was not a matter of live or die. There was no peril. Almost certainly the young man would have passed by. And it will always be that way.† (OBrien 127) This quote is impactful because OBrien wants to justify and give a reason as to why he killed a man so people dont think he acted without reason. He believes that if he hadnt thrown grenade at the man he would have just passed by and his death wouldnt have haunted OBrien. Tim OBrien wrote this story to show the readers what effect death can have on soldiers. He also writes to address to his daughter the reasons why he wrote it and to justify his actions. He keeps writing war stories hoping that someday his daughter when she’s older, understands the difficult decisions that had to be taken during the war. The purpose of this story is to show the aftermath of death. It depicts the instinct to survive. OBrien acted out of fear and didnt comprehend his actions until it was too late. This story helps readers understand the impact of rapid decisions that have to be made. â€Å"The Dentist† â€Å"He didnt mind blood or pain-he actually enjoyed combat-but there was something about a dentist that gave him the creeps†¦He fainted before the man even touched him.† (OBrien 83) This quote is important because it shows how Curt Lemon isnt bothered by violence and death but is afraid of a someone touching his teeth. This means that he is more comfortable being in the midst of chaos and war than going to a dentist. â€Å"Anyone else wouldve laughed it off, but for Curt Lemon it was too much. The embarrassment mustve turned a screw in his head.† (OBrien 84) This quote is impactful because it shows how shame starts to drive a tough soldier crazy. It shows how he values his reputation and doesnt want people to see him as a coward. â€Å"The dentist couldnt find any problem, but Lemon kept insisting, so the man finally shrugged and†¦ yanked out a perfectly good tooth.† (OBrien 84) This quote is important because it shows how Lemon believes getting a tooth pulled out and coming over his fear of the dentist would keep his reputation intact. It also shows how he is more worried about his reputation than dying in the war and it becomes too much to handle so he decides to act on it. OBriens purpose of writing this story is to show a different side to the soldiers and the society they live in during his time. It portrays how a tough soldier who is always doing dangerous things is afraid of the dentist. In order to keep up his reputation, Lemon goes as far as to getting his teeth pulled out because it would keep his brave soldier reputation intact among other soldiers. He also does this to prove to himself that he isnt a coward and to overcome the fact that he fainted. This story helps develop other stories in the book such as â€Å"On the Rainy River† by talking about reputation and cowardice. Society expects men to be strong and insensitive, therefore, showing any emotion is a sign of weakness to the soldiers. â€Å"On the Rainy River† â€Å"I feared the war, yes, but I also feared exile†¦ I feared losing the respect of my parents†¦ I feared ridicule and censure.† (OBrien 42) This quote is important because OBrien doesnt want to go to war but he cant decide between his fear of losing his familys respect and his reputation in town. He doesn’t want to flee the draft and disgrace his name among everyone because they would think of the act as lack of bravery and love for their country. â€Å"I think he meant to bring me up against the realities, to guide me across the river and to take me to the edge and to stand a kind of vigil as I chose a life for myself†¦ I couldnt act†¦ all I could do was cry†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (OBrien 53-54) This quote is impactful because Elroy brings OBrien to the river and without saying anything he wants to face the reality and decide the path he wants to take in that moment. OBrien is ashamed of this story because he believes crying is a failure of masculinity and him not being able to make a decision shows lack of brave. â€Å"And what was so sad, I realized, was that Canada had become a pitiful fantasy. Silly and hopeless. It was no longer a possibility.† (OBrien 55) This quote is important because it is the moment of realization for OBrien and what he believes is the right thing to do. He won’t escape to Canada because it would be seen as cowardice, and he would rather not bring disgrace upon his family and town.? Tim OBrien wrote this story to express the inner struggles he dealt with upon receiving the draft. The author wants the reader see how he is compelled into making the decision of going to Canada or staying and fighting for his country and how he decided on it. The old man OBrien meets when he’s on his way to Canada plays a big part in the way he decides on what he wants to do, whether he will stay or escape. Elroy forces him to make a choice at the river of what he thinks is right, and never passes judgment onto him. Elroy’s presence forces OBrien to confront Canada and freedom from the war without him actually speaking. OBrien’s purpose of writing this book is to justify his decisions and also to put the readers in the position he was in on the rainy river.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Lack of Will Makes Us Lazy Free Essays

The Industrial Revolution was the beginning of a new era in human history. Thanks to this, many countries were able to experience economic growth at a rate never seen before. Unfortunately, it has brought an unforeseen consequence that today has been taken for granted. We will write a custom essay sample on The Lack of Will Makes Us Lazy or any similar topic only for you Order Now Because of lacking regulation laws during the aftermath of the Industrial Revolution, we now face the worst environmental crisis of all time. As a result, the planet is experiencing an increase in temperatures around the world. However, nothing is all lost, yet. With renewable energy, among other things, it’s possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, therefore reversing the damage we have done to the planet. For instance, there are wind farms. The wind is a renewable energy that is often overlooked. With new technology, it’s possible to harness the wind and convert it into a power source. The United Kingdom has managed to do this with success. In the southeast coast of England, the government was able to build an off-shore wind farm with over 100 turbines, which harvests the power of the wind. The Thanet wind farm, as they named it, is capable of producing enough energy to power over 200,000 households in a year. If countries around the world had the will, they could replace non-renewable energy sources with wind farms. This is an excellent idea that could reduce carbon emissions by billions of tons each year. In addition, another renewable source that could help reduce emissions is solar energy. The planet receives more solar energy from the Sun in an hour than it consumes in a year. If every home owner had the will to install solar panels in the rooftops of their homes, not only would it lower their electric bill, but also, their emission levels would drop drastically. Similarly, China is planning to build something close, but in massive scale. The Chinese government struck a deal with First Solar Inc, an Arizona-based company, to build a solar field the size of Manhattan. If the deal goes through, the gigantic solar field will be able to power approximately 3 million Chinese homes. In the end, solar energy is another excellent renewable source with a lot more potential than we might think. Moreover, another way that we can reduce greenhouse gases is by encouraging public transportation. As we know, driving our daily commute can become a struggle. Sometimes, we pollute the environment with carbon dioxide without even moving our cars, stuck in traffic jams, wasting energy in the process. On the other hand, people who use mass transit when commuting save by not spending money on increasingly expensive gas, but more importantly, reduce their carbon emissions. Another plus for using mass transit systems is that you basically have an excuse to meet new people seating next to you. On the contrary, if you rather enjoy commuting alone while driving a car, a hybrid or an electric is a great alternative to regular combustion engine vehicles. Either way, there’s no excuse for anyone to reduce their carbon emissions while commuting to work or school. In the end, the technology to reduce worldwide greenhouse gases is on our fingertips. The only thing that’s stopping us from doing the right thing and reducing emissions is will in our part. It’s human nature to act after the disaster strikes. Let’s not wait after coastal cities start flooding and act now so we can secure a better future for our descendants. How to cite The Lack of Will Makes Us Lazy, Papers

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll Essay Example For Students

Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll Essay In Lewis Carroll’s novel Alice in Wonderland, Alice is curious, well-mannered, and confused while she tries to find her way out of Wonderland. Alice meets many unique and weird creatures which eventually help her escape wonderland. Alice shows that she is curious through her actions. At the beginning of the book Alice gets distracted from her â€Å"boring† work, and chases a white rabbit down a hole. This excerpt describes Alices curiosity, â€Å"Alice started to her feet, for it flashed in her mind that she had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket†. When Alice is at the bottom of the hole she find a bottle labeled â€Å"Drink Me†, she wants to see what it tastes like, this excerpt describes the event â€Å"†¦this bottle was not marked `poison’, so Alice ventured to taste it, finding it very nice†. Another instant that shows her curiosity when she looks for the white rabbits fan and gloves, she finds a bottle, this time there was no table, â€Å"There was no label this time with the words `Drink Me’ †¦ `I know something interesting is going to happen’ †¦ ` I’ll just see what it does’,†. Alice is like a little girl that is still exploring the world around her, but she finds that she is more mature than the creatures in Wonderland. Alice is very well mannered in Victorian ways to the creatures of Wonderland. Alice shows her good manners when she enters the white rabbits house and the rabbit tells Alice to go fetch his gloves and fan, â€Å"I’d better take his fan and gloves- that is if I can find them†, since Alice is a guest, uninvited, she follows the owners orders. When Alice runs into caterpillar she calls him â€Å"Sir†, here is an excerpt from the book, † I can’t explain myself myself, I’m afraid, Sir†, this shows that she respects the creatures of Wonderland. When Alice enters the Duchesses house and the Duchess throws the baby to Alice, Alice starts to take care of it, † `Here! You may nurse it a bit, if you like! ’ Alice caught the baby with some difficulty †¦Ã¢â‚¬ , this shows her maternal side. Wonderland is an illogical land, nothing seems to make sense to Alice. She starts to become very frustrated and confused. When Alice meets the caterpillar the following conversation takes place, † `Who are you! ’ the caterpillar asked †¦ `I – I hardly know, Sir, just at present – at least I know who I was when I got up this morning’ †¦ â€Å", Alice is so confused she does not even know who she is. Before Alice enters the Duchesses house she knocks on the front door, the following conversation takes place with a creature, â€Å"Alice went up to the door and knocked, ` There is no use in knocking `†¦ ` Please, then ` said Alice ` How am I to get in ? â€Å", this proves that the illogical reasoning that the creatures find logical is confusing to a Victorian girl. Alice is curious because she is very young and she is still finding out about the world around her. Throughout the novel she grows up and matures because she starts to unlock the illogical reasoning of Wonderland and begins to respect their weird habits. Even through all the confusion, she stil l finds home at the end of the novel.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Peroxidase Lab Report Essay Example

Peroxidase Lab Report Paper We were able to measure enzymatic activity by the change in absorbency per second with a spectrophotometer. By testing different concentrations of peroxides and its reaction rate in seconds, we were able to see that as the amount of enzyme increased the catalytic reaction also increased. The optimal amount of peroxides concentration to be used in the subsequent experiments was determined to be 1. 0 ml. Any amount above this would have caused the rate of absorbency to be too fast, making it too difficult to get accurate readings. Any amount below this would not have produced a reaction at an appreciable rate. (Dolphin, Fleck, Collect and Wastage, p. 76) In addition, our results show that a rise temperature and pH only increase the rate of reaction to a certain point before the reaction rate begins to decline dramatically. In the case of boiling of the enzyme there was no rate of reaction found whatsoever. A similar result was found when hydroxylation was added to the peroxides and it caused an inhibition reaction. Overall, the results show that the peroxides enzyme is sensitive with reference to the above factors in whether or not a reaction is catcalled. INTRODUCTION Enzymes are essential in the breakdown of certain materials or molecules that cannot be used by or are harmful to an organism as they are, into products that can be used or are not harmful for the organism. They are proteins and their structure consists of amino acids with a specific shape. Enzymes have an area called an active site where substrates (only a particular molecule or material to be converted) bind. We will write a custom essay sample on Peroxidase Lab Report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Peroxidase Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Peroxidase Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer When the substrate is bound to the active site on the whole entity becomes an enzyme-substrate complex. The substrates covalent bond is disrupted and this chemical change constructs a new product from the original abstract while leaving the enzyme unaffected. Once this new product is released, the enzyme can bind again with more of these molecules needing conversion. Sometimes the enzyme works with commences or cofactors such as vitamins or metallic ions to help the binding process. In other cases competitive inhibitors are at work and prevent a substrate from being bound to the active site on the enzyme. The competitive inhibitor is similar enough to bind with the enzyme, but because it is not a perfect match, the enzyme then loses its ability to catalyst a reaction for that moment. In accordance with these properties, we ill see how certain factors affect the reaction rate of peroxides. For our purposes in this lab we used the enzyme peroxides extracted from a turnip. Peroxides, along with the help of its iron ion cofactor, catalysts harmful hydrogen peroxide (H2O) into a harmless compound and water. In order to follow the rate of reaction for the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide, we used ecological, a colorless dye, which donates electrons and turns brown when it is oxidized. We used this dye so that we could measure the absorbency with the spectrophotometer as the hydrogen peroxide is being broken down and the lour change gets stronger over specific time intervals. We developed several null hypotheses for these experiments: 1) The amount of enzyme added to the reaction will not affect the rate of reaction. 2) Temperature will not affect the enzymatic activity. 3) pH will not affect enzymatic activity. 4) Similar molecule to substrate will not affect enzymatic activity. MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials and methods are taken from Lab Topic 7 in the Biological Investigations, 9th Edition. RESULTS Graph 1- Effects of Peroxides Amounts Graph 2 Temperature Effects on Peroxides Activity Graph 3 pH Effects on Peroxides Activity Graph 4 Boiled Peroxides Results Graph 5 Hydroxylation Results Graph 6 Optimum Temperature for Reaction Rate of Peroxides Graph 7 Optimum pH for Reaction Rate of Peroxides In Graph 1, Effects of Peroxides Amounts, it shows the difference in rates of reactions with different concentrations of peroxides in the solution Tubes 2 3 at 0. 5 ml, Tubes at 1. 0 ml and Tubes 6 7 at 2. 0 ml, along with corresponding line slopes. Graph 2, Temperature Effects on Peroxides Activity, shows the difference in rates of reaction for 1. Ml peroxides at ICC, Room Temperature ICC, ICC and ICC along with their corresponding line slopes. For Graph 3, pH Effects on Peroxides Activity, it shows the rates of reaction at pH 3, pH 5, pH 7 and pH 9, along with its corresponding line slopes at 1. 0 ml peroxides. Graph 4, Boiled Peroxides Results, shows the rates of reaction for 1. 0 ml between a Normal Extract of peroxides and a Boiled Extract of peroxides, both with their corresponding line slopes. In Graph 5, Hydroxylation Results, it shows rates of reaction for 1. Ml between a Normal Extract of peroxides without hydroxylation and a Hydroxylation-treated Extract of peroxides. Graph 6, Optimum Temperature for Reaction Rate of Peroxides, shows the slope of the line at each temperature. Lastly, Graph 7, Optimum pH for Reaction Rate of Peroxides, shows the slope of the line at each level of PH. DISCUSSION The significance of the observations in testing the enzyme peroxides and its rate of breaking down hydrogen peroxide helped us to make a decision as to whether to accept or reject our hypotheses in the experiment. The amount of peroxides concentration had a direct relationship to how slowly or how quickly a reaction took place. This result allowed us to reject our hypothesis that the mount of enzyme added to the reaction will not affect the rate of reaction. This test was important so that we could ascertain the best amount of concentration to use in the subsequent experiments with the spectrophotometer set at absorbency 470 NM and timed recordings at 20-second intervals for a total of 2 minutes. At 0. 5 ml of peroxides the reaction time was too slow thus no appreciable line or slope was rendered to measure the reaction with any accuracy. Conversely, it was a challenge to get accurate absorbency readings at 2. 0 ml of peroxides because the pace of the reaction appreciated so quickly and hen met equilibrium. At 1. 0 ml of peroxides the reaction time rendered an appreciable line and slope making it easier to record the absorbency every 20 seconds for 2 minutes and ultimately, the best concentration for use in the next experiments. It is known that when heat is applied to molecules, they move faster and collide more as the temperature rises. This is also true for the enzyme peroxides and its substrate until the temperature reaches ICC and then the reaction begins to taper off and it dives down drastically at ICC when the hydrogen bonds holding peroxides structure together begin to break. The results of this test confirm the same by the slope of each line and thereby we are able to reject our hypothesis that temperature has no effect on peroxides rate of reaction. At ICC the slope of the line is 0. 0071, at Room Temperature ? ICC the slope is 0. 0094, at ICC the slope is 0. 091 and at ICC it is 0. 0052. This is easily seen on the derivative Graph 6: Optimum Temperature for Reaction Rate of Peroxides attached. It should be mentioned here that in class it was decided from the table of results on the board for this experiment that ICC was the optimal temperature. In addition, it is difficult to fully see the results from the line graph number 2. As we can see here from the derivative graph, that just numbers without the prop er graphs can be misleading and it is necessary to take further steps in clarifying the observations and results. As for pH effects on peroxides activity, Graph 3, indicates that the amount of acidity or bassinets to a solution changes the three-dimensional structure of the enzyme and thereby changes the ability to bind with the substrate in an effective manner. Here we tested the null hypothesis: pH will not affect enzymatic activity. The results from Graph 3: pH Effects on Peroxides Activity indicate that the more acidic pH 3 level disrupted the enzymes ability to bind with its substrate and its reaction rate did not appreciate noticeably. As the solution became less acid at pH 5, the greatest reaction efficiency resulted. Once the pH was at 7 and beyond the reaction rate for peroxides and its binding ability became poor and the reaction rate declined. Again, it was necessary to do a derivative graph to see the slope results clearly. In Graph 7: Optimum pH for Reaction Rate of Peroxides, the rate of reaction increased drastically from pH 3 with a slope f 0. 00007 to pH 5 with a slope of 0. 0055 and then trails off as the bassinets increases at pH 7 with a slope of 0. 047 and plummets as it reaches pH 9 with a slope of 0. 0022. We can see the optimal pH is 5 in this experiment and we were able to refute our null hypothesis because it was shown that pH does affect peroxides reaction rates. In boiling the peroxides extract, the result was that no reaction activity was found. As mentioned in our book by Dolphin, Fleck, Collect and Wastage, the enzyme is denatured because the high temperature broke a large number of hydroge n bonds, which dramatically changed the structure of the enzyme permanently (82). A denatured enzyme cannot catalyst a reaction and this result appears evident on Graph 4: Boiled Peroxides Results. The comparison between a normal extract of peroxides and a boiled extract of peroxides shows that zero absorbency with no appreciation was yielded over the two minutes for the boiled extract as opposed to the normal extract that did yield an appreciable line with a slope of 0. 0099. Again, we can refute our null hypothesis of temperature will not affect the enzymatic activity. Finally, a null hypothesis that a similar molecule to substrate will not affect enzymatic activity was tested.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Character Development How to Write Great Characters [Worksheet]

Character Development How to Write Great Characters [Worksheet] Character Development: How to Write Great Characters [Worksheet] The character development in your story is vital for its selling.After all, people love and rave about books not always because of the story itselfBut because of the characters they fell in love with.In fact, it’s specifically because someone fell in love with the characters and care so much about them and their journey that theyre willing to follow them through the entirety of it.That is why you need to put an emphasis on the character development in the book you’re writing- or preparing to write.Here is your 12 step guide for good character development:Create a background for your characterGive your character strengths and weaknessesCreate nervous ticks for your characterAvoid making a perfect characterGive your character realistic motivesGive them a unique featureDevelop a wide variety of character personalitiesCreate an impact of your characters pastMake secondary characters foil typesGive each character a unique voiceCreate a diverse character castAvoid character s tereotypesStick with us through this post and you’ll learn exactly how to accomplish character development in a way that will make readers think about your characters as if they were real people.Once you nail all of these, you’ll be writing strong characters in no time.Get Your Character Development SheetSometimes its worth it to have a character development sheet to keep track of your characters. Not only will you be able to keep track, but you can zoom out and better see if youre creating two character archetypes who are too much alike.Are you ready to get started right now? Download your free character development sheet to keep track of each character you write. Download your FREE character development worksheet!Talk to an Expert to Discuss Your Character DevelopmentDid you know we have our experts on hand to help you with your books- for free!It’s true.Just book a call for a FREE 20-minute coaching call and our experts can help you gain clarity on what youre struggling with and how you can work through it to finish your book!BOOK A FREE COACHING CALL!Talk with one of our experts by clicking the button below and scheduling your free coaching call.Click Here to Book a CallWhat is Character Development?Character development is the process and execution of creating a fully rounded, complex, and lifelike character within your fictional writing with the purpose of making readers invested in them and their life or journey.Think of character development like the paper of your book. Without it, you simply dont have a book at all- you just have a mess of ink smeared between two cover.But before we get into the extensive details, I’m go ing to cover what constitutes a well-developed character as well as the different types of character development you may consider.What is a Well Developed Character?A well-developed character needs a full backstory, personality traits reflective of it, realistic actions and emotions, along with being highly relatable to the average reader and as complex as a real person.If you cant imagine your characters as a real-life person, theyre not quite complex enough to be well developed. The key with character development is crafting your characters to feel as if theyre people you know who just live far away.Get comfortable with thinking of them as real and you almost always will have a well-developed character.Types of Character DevelopmentWhen it comes to learning how to write characters and write them well you have to understand which type of character youre dealing with.These are the different types of characters to write:ProtagonistAntagonistSecondaryStaticFoilStockDynamic/RoundDonà ¢â‚¬â„¢t be alarmed if you think this is a lot of different types of characters. After all, we all have people in our real lives who would fill these character â€Å"types† and that’s why it’s important for your book to include them.Without them, you can’t go through with character development and expect a captivating cast.But let’s help you understand what each type of character brings to the story.With this information, you can better understand which character development to focus on with each of the fictional people you create.12 Actionable Character Development TipsNow that you know which type of character you’re focusing on here when writing your book, let’s dive deeper into the character development methods you can use and exercises to help you get it right. #1 Create a background for each characterOur realities are shaped by where we’ve been, where we are, and where we want to go.That being said, the one with the most influence on our lives is where we’ve been our past.The same is likely true for your character. Based on what their life was like prior to the start of your novel, they’ll have different interests, quirks, fears, and more.Your job is to fill out what their life has looked like up until the beginning of your book. Character Development ExerciseFill out a character development sheet so you can understand your characters as full-fleshed people instead of just two-dimensional beings you created. Cover these main ideas when crafting your character’s background: Their childhood (good, bad, poverty-stricken, spoiled, etc.) Their parents (divorced, never married, one missing, both missing) Their friendships Their hobbies and interests as a kid versus now Their motivations for feeling the way they do about any given situation Their personality type and how it affects their actions These are some basic elements you should understand about your character in order to shape their personality, opinions, and actions that appropriately fit their background.#2 Know your characters’ strengths and weaknessesOne of the biggest means of influence over your characters will be their strengths or weaknesses.We, as humans, constantly face our strengths and weaknesses on a daily basis, even in the smallest of forms.What your characters are good at and what they’re not great at will affect how they perceive different events, what actions they choose to take, and can affect their overall character arc (which we’ll touch on later).If your character’s strength is talking to strangers and gaining their trust, this might be an asset for them throughout their journey. However, if that is your character’s weakness and they’re forced to do so, it can cause conflict for them.These strengths and weaknesses will shape your character arc and the plot as a whole, so know them well before writing. Character Development ExerciseCre ate a list of 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses for your characters. Make sure these play into the plot in order to cause conflict and gain sympathy from readers who can relate.#3 Create nervous ticks or habitsIf you’ve paid attention to humans for long enough, you’re aware that we all have certain habits we don’t even realize we’re doing when we’re nervous.Me? I pick at the skin around my nails. It’s a pain (literally) and I never notice I’m doing it until later.This can be a key characteristic that will make your characters feel more real and help make them more relatable to your readers, which will make them want to give you those 5-star reviews. Character Development ExerciseMake a small list for each of your characters. Write down 2 odd habits for each of them and decide which is their go-to (the one they do without even thinking about it) and which is made worse through nerves or anxiety.#4 No character can be perfectIt can be real ly hard to write your favorite fictional person as having flaws. After all, we want people to love them, right?But a â€Å"perfect† character is not lovable they’re hateable because it’s not realistic.The more you try to make your character â€Å"flawless,† the less readers can relate and therefore, they’ll like them less. You have to build flaws into your character just like we all have drawbacks in real like. Character Development ExerciseList 3 major flaws your character has that can actually become problems within your plot. Think about any bad habits they have, situations they dislike, or even personality traits that aren’t seen as â€Å"good† in order to craft these flaws in a realistic fashion.#5 All characters need realistic motivesNo matter which character they or what they want in your story, they need to have a real and valid reason for feeling this way.Take He Who Shall Not Be Named from Harry Potter for example.Voldemor t (woops!) wants to kill Harry. That much we should all know even if you’ve never read or seen the movies. But if he was just trying to kill Harry Potter for the sake of murdering a child, it wouldnt’ make sense.Yes, he’s evil, but he also has a valid reason for wanting him dead, right?He has to kill Harry Potter because he’s the only person who was able to defeat him before and because the prophecy says so.If your characters no matter how minor they are don’t have a motive that makes sense, readers will be pulled out of the story and end up questioning what’s happening, and not in a good way.This is largely how plot holes arise so in order to avoid them, stick to this character development method. Character Development ExerciseWhen coming up with your antagonist’s motives, list at least 2 ways in which they’re valid. For Voldemort, it would be the fact that Harry can kill him and that he wants to rule the wizarding world. Your bad character has to have at least 2 strong reasons for opposing your protagonist and they should make sense given their history.#6 Give each character a unique featureThis is particularly for those of you writing Game of Thrones-esque novels with a large number of characters, but it’s important for others as well.When writing a book, you want your readers to easily visualize and differentiate the cast. You want each character to stand out as individuals.A perfect way to do this is to give each person an identifiable feature.For example, let’s use Harry Potter again because you probably know what the main characters look like.Harry has glasses. Hermione has buck teeth (up until she has them shortened a bit too much and this is only in the books for those of you about to argue), and Ron has flaming red hair.These are very distinct features that can help you picture them as wildly different characters.Now, you don’t have to give each and every character som e crazy hair color or style, but try not to have your entire cast look the same.If you have a main character with brown wavy hair, have the next with blonde curly hair, etc.Keep in mind that siblings can certainly look similar! Character Development ExerciseCreate a spreadsheet or other document that lists all your characters and document their features. If you have two characters who spend a lot of time together in your book and you see they look similar, alter their appearance until they’re differentiable.Take my own spreadsheet for my work in progress below as an example.#7 Develop a wide variety of personality typesMeaning, don’t create all of your characters to be the â€Å"dark and sarcastic† type or the â€Å"tough guy† type.You have to have a wide variety of personalities just like in the real world.You can even back up their personality with real-life psychology. As an example, I have two characters who both have a tragic background.However, th ey don’t process that trauma in the same way. One character takes on a very withdrawn approach while the other hides his pain with humor. This gives them very different personalities despite having similar histories. Character Development ExerciseReference your character’s backstories and do a little research into possible coping mechanisms and how that can affect their personality. Develop it from there in order to have realistic personalities that differ.#8 Match your character’s history with the effects of itThis is when some research will come into play, which should be required anyway. Looking into some psychological effects of trauma can help you accurately and realistically dive into character development.Now, not all characters go through trauma, but there are other big life events that can shape how they behave.If you have a character whose parents were very strict growing up, they may be a bit of a rebel and lack the decision making abilities others h ave mostly because they never learned how since their parents made those choices for them. Character Development ExerciseSince you know your character’s backstory, do a little research into how those specific struggles or realities can shape a person’s psyche in order to accurately and realistically craft their behavior.#9 Make secondary characters foil typesThis is largely to help with personality contract within your novel. Most of the time, this will happen naturally if you’re giving each character a unique personality but it’s great to keep in mind anyway.If you have secondary characters (characters who get a decent amount of page time but are not main characters), craft their personality types to show the opposite of the main characters’.Why? Because you want to firstly create more diversity and secondly, create some non-plot-specific conflict. Character Development ExercisePinpoint your secondary characters and development them in a way tha t makes them clash or oppose your main characters in certain ways. Think about what could annoy your main character the most and give your secondary characters some of those habits or personality traits.#10 Give each character a distinct voiceWe all speak differently and that means your characters should too. Depending on where they’re from, they could have different accents, slang, and even phrases they tend to use regularly.Think of a friend of yours for a minute. What are some specific phrases they use a lot?It’s likely you were able to think of something in just a few seconds because it’s so unique to them and something they say a lot.Your characters should be developed in the same way.If you write two characters from very different areas of the world and they have the same style of speaking, your audience will be pulled out of the story because it’s not realistic. Their voices have to be consistent and not the same. Character Development ExerciseThe se tips can ensure your characters speak differently: Choose a slang word each character likes to use Use different wording for the same meaning like â€Å"apologies† versus â€Å"I’m sorry† or â€Å"my bad† Use unique sentence structures to give each character a unique speaking rhythm Make sure your more educated characters speak like it and your less educated use simpler words and phrases Create phrases similar to â€Å"knee-high to a grasshopper† with unique meanings for your characters’ specific regions Read their dialogue out loud in the voice you image they have and make changes if necessary The point of giving your characters unique voices is to ensure your readers imagine them as real people instead of two-dimensional beings living in paper.#11 Create a diverse cast in every wayI’ll be honest, there is a very real problem in literature when it comes to diversity.You can debate this all you want, but coming from someone who reads many books, it’s a very real issue that only you and other writers going forward can correct.Your book should be just as diverse as the real world.If you don’t have characters with varying skin, hair, or eye colors along with varying body types, disabilities, and even mental illnesses, your characters are not diverse enough.You do not have to write a book about these things in order for you to include them in your novel.For example, one of my main characters has high levels of anxiety. His storyline does not revolve around this mental illness, but it is there, seen, and can affect his plot. Character Development ExerciseLook through your characters and their appearances as well as their personalities. If there isn’t clear diversity amongst them, create it. You want to make sure you are allowing diverse readers to feel included, heard, and represented.#12 Avoid stereotypes This is really a â€Å"do not do† tip versus a â€Å"must do† tip . The reason for this is because so many writers feel as though they need a â€Å"side character† (or even a main character) but is too lazy to do the real work.Which means they create a stereotype of a specific type of person that can oftentimes be harmful without the author even knowing.A great way to ensure you never have offensive stereotyped characters is to use a sensitivity reader or make sure you have a diverse group of beta readers who can speak on behalf of the characters you’ve developed. What is a Character Arc?A character arc is used to describe the inner and even outer journey, which can be physical, mental, emotional, or otherwise that a character experiences throughout the duration of the story or plot.You thought you were done learning about character development, didn’t you?You’re not! In addition to crafting well-rounded characters, you also have to think about including arcs for them.How to Create a Character ArcAt the very least, your protagonist, or main character, requires an arc for their storyline and journey to be captivating and satisfying for readers.As an example, I’m going to use Harry Potter from that series simply because it’s widely known and his character arc even within the first novel is distinct.Harry Potter starts the novel as an 11-year-old kid suffering from emotionally abusive relatives who care for him due to his parents passing away.But by the end of the movie, Harry has discovered he’s a wizard, learned of his prominence in the wizarding world, and even taken on Voldemort himself (well, sort of).This character arc is distinct in that his mental and emotional journey from start to finish is wildly different. Harry Potter is not the same at the end as he was in the beginning and this remains true throughout each book in the series.When your character comes out at the end of the book as a transformed person in certain senses, it’s a character arc.Above is an examp le of what a character arc looks like on paper and how you can utilize plot elements in order to further your character’s development.Character development questionsIf youre looking for a way to further develop your characters in order to create lifelike and realistic personalities, we have a way to help.Here are 50 character development questions to ask:What is their full name?Why did their parents choose that name?What are their parents like?Do they have siblings?What are their siblings like?Were they bullied by their siblings?What order are they in their family (first born, middle, etc.)?What do they look like (full appearance)?Do they have any quirks or nervous habits?What do they do when they get mad?What do they do when theyre happy?Do they have close friends?What are their friends like?Whats their worst habit?Whats their best habit?Whats their biggest weakness?Whats their biggest strength?What is something they want to improve upon?Whats something they excel in?Did the y go to school or an equivalent?What were they like in school?Do they like to learn?Are they a rebel?Are they an obliger (people-pleaser)?Are they internally motivated?Do they look to others for help in times of stress?What is their stress response?Do they think logically or emotionally to make decisions?Are they able to make decisions clearly when emotional?What are their beliefs on religion?Do they have a strong moral compass?What do they value most in life (money, happiness, etc.?)What is something that would trigger irrational behavior?Are they introverted or extroverted?Are they a troublemaker or do they play by the rules?Whats something that fulfills them?Do they know their lifes purpose?Whos someone causing emotional struggles in their life?Who do they go to when theyre upset?What type of weather do they enjoy most?What are their sleeping habits like?What are their eating habits like?Whats something they could change about their world if they could?Are they someone who speaks up for themselves?Are they a passive person?What are they like at their very worst?What are they like at their very best?What do they envision their life to be 10 years from now?What do they want for their life when theyre old and gray?What does the perfect life look like in their eyes?Your Next Steps But Only if You’re a Serious WriterIt’s time to get serious about your book. If you’re here, it means you want to learn how to write your book to the best of your ability.That’s exactly what we can help with.We put together this FREE training for you to understand what it takes to write and publish a book.Make sure to watch this because you can create incredible characters all you want, but they’ll never see the light of day without publishing.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

International Business FINAL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

International Business FINAL - Essay Example The trend of distributing the production networks all over the world offers a firm the advantages like competitive edge and cost cutting. Competitive edge is achieved when the firm’s produced products are sold all over the world bringing in a good amount of profit. Cost cutting takes place when the firm’s production system takes into consideration and exploits all the cheap factors of production that are available in different parts of the world at cheaper price. 2. Globalization has created lots of changes throughout the world. The changes introduced both positive and negative impacts on the countries. It is believed that the developed countries reap the maximum benefit out of the process of globalization. The developed nations shift their production units to the places where the cost of production will be cheaper. The cheaper production cost helps the nation to generate more profit from the sale of their produced products. This is helping the economy of certain develo ped nations to prosper and grow. However on the other hand the underdeveloped nations and the developing nations are constantly losing their resources which are being purchased by the wealthy nations for the purpose of manufacturing products and services which in turn are again being sold in the developing or underdeveloped nations. Thus it has become a topic of debate that addresses the issue whether globalization is a blessing or a curse. The positive side of globalization is that it enhances the job opportunities and economy across the world. But the negative side denotes that since the developed nations are shifting their plants to the overseas nations due to the availability of cheap resources, the labor there are getting under paid in comparison to the labors of the developed nations. Therefore despite the creation of job opportunities, globalization also creates disparity in the amount of wages received by the workers of the developed and developing nations. 3. Religion is on e of the important elements of culture. Religion determines whether a person is Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, etc that implies which God does the person believes in and which rituals related to their religion does they follow. Globalization has created the integration of all the religions and this has affected the business operations to a great extent. For example the case of McDonalds can be taken into account in this respect. McDonalds prepare different kind of fast foods that contain both vegetarian and non vegetarian items. The non vegetarian foods contain chicken, egg, fish, beef, lamb, pork etc. However McDonalds have eliminated beef and pork from its wide range of menu while entering the Indian market, since the Indian market included people from both Hindu and Muslim religions and beef and pork are restricted for these two religions respectively. Moreover religion affects the language, dressing style, values and morals of a person. Thus the business operations get highly i nfluenced by these factors as these are the elements that form the basis of a human being. 4. The term culture includes the behavior, beliefs, arts, languages, institutions, etc. of an individual. Culture decides how a person should behave at a social

Monday, February 3, 2020

Quantitative Analysis for Finance Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Quantitative Analysis for Finance - Coursework Example Basing on the calculated percentages, the return of each portfolio was calculated. Therefore, based on the results, the plan consists of the losses and the highest drawdown which could help investors prepare for what they could face in future. In relation to this, even if the financial plan is considered to be the simplest, it needs assumptions about the way the investment could perform. It is known that such assumptions might not be accurate, but they are required to be reasonable as well as thoughtful. The projections won’t be that useful in case you assume a balanced portfolio with a return of 7 percent every day. It was found that the returns of the total portfolio of investors during the year are negative and this indicates that the portfolio is not good enough to invest. Such resulted from the drop in value of the initial investment of the common bond which was from 30 000 pounds to 23 000 pounds. There was rise in value of the stock investment from 20 000 pounds to 25 0 00 pounds and this implies that the stock portfolio is good for investment. In regard to the determination of the capital market line equation (CML), we considered the fact that there was a correlation coefficient between the stock returns of 30 percent and the risk free rate of 5 percent .The risk profile could be altered easily when the asset risk is adjusted with the use of the risk –free rate. Based on the capital market line, the market portfolio has a combination of all risky-free asset and risky assets, with the use of the asset‘s market value to calculate the weights. The capital market line was derived by capital market model (CAPM) where the expected return at different risk levels was solved. For exercise 2, the capital market line was determined and in this case, it indicated that the diversified portfolio returns on the capital

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Barriers To Sustainable Tourism Developments Tourism Essay

Barriers To Sustainable Tourism Developments Tourism Essay Introduction Tourism is highly known as one of the worlds fastest growing industries and become the major contributor to the countrys economic growth in terms foreign exchange earnings and creates job opportunities in both large and small communities. Hence, the increasing economic importance of tourism has captured the attention and interest in most developing countries. However, people have not been thinking about the range of impacts resulted from tourism which is broad and could even negatively impact on the destination community. The uncontrolled rapid growth of tourism can poses a significant threat towards the environment and social community in other words tourism can result serious environmental and social-cultural problems. Therefore, in a way to controlled and minimize the negative impacts of tourism, sustainable tourism development need to be achieved. Sustainable tourism today become highly important in the tourism industry and it is important to encourage more people to travel green and to ensure that the tourism is environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable. Many destinations have also recognized the importance of achieving sustainable tourism development. However, for many developing countries worldwide sustainable tourism has not properly been translated into wide practice and there can be economic, social, and physical barriers that tend to pose great hindrances to sustainable development. In order to determine how the tourism industry can move towards sustainability, it is important to examine the barriers that hinder sustainable tourism, and then develop strategies to reduce the barriers. Thus, aim of this paper is to analyze and evaluate the barriers of implementing sustainability initiatives and achieving sustainable tourism development particularly in Gili Trawangan, Indonesia. 2.0 Literature Review on Sustainable Tourism Tourism is a significant global industry with a huge impact towards the environment. Tourism is also the worlds largest industry, with total receipts from the international tourism equaling US $682 billion (WTO, 2006). The tourism industry also employs an estimated of 10 percent of the global workforce and capital formation. Due to this significance of this industry and that environmental degradation has impacted most tourism destinations; the need to implement more sustainable practices has come to forefront of global issues (Graci, 2004). The need to plan for tourism in a sustainable manner is evident through the developments that have occurred worldwide since the United Nations Conference on Environment Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. In the conference, tourism was identified as one of the five main industries in need for achieving sustainable development (Theobald 1998, Budeanu 1999, Pryce 2001). The World Tourism Organization, World Travel and Tourism Council, and the Earth Council published Agenda 21 for the travel and tourism industry in 1995, which this document aimed to establish systems and procedure to incorporate sustainable development considerations into the decision making process of tourism activities. It also highly emphasized the importance of partnership between tourism industry and government and demonstrated the benefits of making the whole industry sustainable, not only just the niche ecotourism sector (Pryce, 2001). The idea of sustainable tourism has its roots in the concept of sustainable development, defined by the Brundtland Commission as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (World Commission on Environment and Development 1987). Other effective adoption or concept of ecologically sustainable tourism, defined by the World Tourism Organization (2002) is: Sustainable tourism development meets the needs of present generation tourists and host communities while protecting and enhancing opportunities for the future. It is highly emphasizes the management of all resources in such as a way that economic, social, and aesthetic needs are fulfilled while maintaining the cultural integrity, essential ecological processes, biological diversity, and life support systems. (WTO, 2002) This clearly means that sustainable tourism activities is aim to ensure that development will maximize enjoyment and create positive experience for tourists and communities, at the same time minimizing the negative impacts upon the destination site; the environment, community and local population. Therefore the sustainable implementation of sustainable development requires the duties of the tourism industry, environmental supporters and community or the three cycles which need to be interrelated. The latter should be based on three main principles of sustainable development (WTO 1993, Mowforth and Munt 1998): Ecological sustainability which demonstrates that development is compatible with the maintenance of essential ecological processes, biological diversity and resources. Social and cultural sustainability suggests that development increases peoples control over their lives and it is compatible with the culture and values of people affected by it which maintains and strengthens the community identity. Economic sustainability ensures that development is economically efficient and that resources are being managed properly in order to support the future generations. Further explanations by World Tourism Organization (2002) the need for achieving several objectives for ensuring sustainable tourism, which are involve the protection and conservation of resource include natural, historical, and cultural for future generations, whilst at the same time ensuring long term economic viability for businesses, and providing socio-cultural benefits to the wider society. Tourism development is also being planned and managed so that it does not negatively impact on the environment and cultural society, the overall environmental quality of tourism is maintained and improved as well. 3.0 Sustainable Tourism in Gili Trawangan, Indonesia Gili Trawangan is known as the largest island located amongst the Gili Islands off the coast of Lombok in Indonesia. The island is also known as a sun, sand and sea destination. It is approximately three by two kilometers and low-lying with a small hill to the south, rising to 72 meters above sea level (Hampton 1998). Gili Trawangan is considered as the most developed of all three Gili islands, which the other two islands Gili Air and Gili Meno are being the newly developed. There are several expatriates lives and work on the island as well and the majority of land on the island is used for tourism and the rest is coconut plantation and some small field of agricultural crops and livestock. Tourism is regarded as the major economic activity on the island with more than 80 percent of families is employed by tourism. However, Gili Trawangan is not highly developed tourism destination in terms of mass tourism, infrastructure, and services, and the island has limited resources of fresh wa ter. In terms of sustainable tourism, there have been some initiatives for developing sustainable tourism in Gili Trawangan. However, the initiatives have been faced with a slow implementation and have not been completely adopted in practice. The main of the initiatives developed by the dive operators on the island is known as the Gili Trawangan Eco-trust. This Gili Eco-trust was being set up in order to protect and conserve the coral reefs around the island against destructive fishing practices. While the main purpose of this organization is to manage the collection of a dive tax which guest are charged about US$3 per diver and US$1 per snorkeler. The dive tax is then used to pay the local fisherman to stop damaging the reefs and the funds are also used for beach cleaning, rubbish management and monitoring (Lombok Network 2009). 4.0 Barriers to sustainable tourism in Gili Trawangan The Eco-trust is one of the initiatives developed by the dive operators on the Gili Trawangan Island for developing sustainable tourism. However they have encountered various barriers to sustainable tourism development in the area that has led to frustration on the island. Based on the research study which was conducted by Sonya Graci in the article, Accomodating Green: Examining Barriers to Sustainable Tourism Development (2004), number of barriers was documented in this research consisting of five main barriers to implementing and achieving sustainable tourism initiatives in the destination. The first barrier is the inadequate resources associated with high cost, lack of information, skills, knowledge, expertise, time and the reluctance to get assistance from outside consultants. The numerous ideas for initiatives such giving payments to fisherman to stop their illegal fishing can be a problem for the Island since they dont have enough resources and many of these plans could fail. Another example such as that the Gili Trawangan Eco-trust also attempted to implement a waste management collection system by building of a landfill with areas to separate and organize recyclables. Yet, again with lack of resources the landfill development would failed. Besides, a number of business owners and the local government also have indentified that the inadequate of resources was the biggest barrier as it is realized on the island without any proper systems in place, the environment will degrade even further and this will eventually affect the tourism on Gili Trawangan. Thus, the destination needs the ability to implement those systems with the necessary funds and knowledge to develop feasible systems. The second barrier being emphasized is the lack of momentum to take action concerning to the sustainability initiatives by business owners; restaurants, accommodations, dive operators, and bars. There was a belief by a number of business owners that current practices were lack, yet, there was a lack of momentum to move forward and implement sustainable initiatives. There are several business owners who did not want to take responsibility in managing the implementation of the initiatives especially involving time and money, and they also had complaints about the management of the environment, such only one business owner in conjunction with the local government to manage the eco tax funds to pay the fisherman. Thus, this is a practice that was not look upon favorably as a sustainable solution by many of the business owners and no other solutions were put forward. The third barrier is related to the corporate culture of the island which comprised of the attitudes, experiences, beliefs, and values of the organization. The isolation of environmental issues from other aspects of the organization or destination, and the bureaucracy that exists within each of organization are barriers that have affected the implementation of sustainable tourism initiatives in the island. The corporate culture in the Island is one of the employees and local which are resistant to change though they realized the benefits associated with sustainable tourism initiatives such as reducing health problems in the community which arises from the lack of garbage collection. Generally this is because of the lack of education that the local people discouraged to participate in the sustainable tourism development. Another barrier to sustainable tourism development in the destination is related to government bureaucracy and corruption which usually arises in many developing coun tries. The provincial and national governments have consistently collected taxes from the Island without any investment in infrastructure or development of policy in the area. Moreover, in 1998 the provincial government of Western Nusa Dua developed the Gili Mantra Marine National Park strategy. However the marine park strategies were never implemented, but then it was the Gili Trawangan Eco-trust who implemented initiatives to stop illegal fishing to protect the reefs. Lastly, infrastructure or physical attributes such location and age of facilities are another barriers faced in the destination at the same time this closely related to the problem of having lack of resources on the Island to purchase new technologies. Despite if initiatives such as solar power or a sewage treatment plant were installed, it would be difficult to fix or adapt to the technologies due to the isolation of the Island. The Island also may have an issue on having no enough space or room for businesses to install composters to dispose organic waste. 5.0 Recommendation After indentifying the various barriers of implementing and achieving sustainable tourism in Gili Trawangan, Indonesia, there could be some strategies or solutions to overcome the stated barriers which contribute to the development of sustainable tourism in Island of Gili Trawangan. The strategies can include the alternatives of composting, employing financial mechanism such as tourist taxes and developing a multi-stakeholder island committee to manage the development and implementation of sustainable tourism initiatives in the destination. Extensive consultation with the locals and all stakeholders on the Island who involves could be performed as well which this allows to motivate and support the implementation of sustainable initiatives in the area. Whereas, the inadequate of resources on the island particularly for financial resources should likely be obtained from outside or non-local interests since it might be difficult for local people in the destination to play a leading role as entrepreneurs in the tourism industry. Local government should also support for educational programs and tourism training on the island to improve the knowledge and skills of the people and therefore it will encourage them to participate in the development of sustainable tourism. 6.0 Conclusion Achieving sustainable tourism development is highly important to the island of Gili Trawangan in Indonesia, in which it will help in protecting and conserving the local resources while minimizing the negative impacts of tourism and benefiting the island communities. However, despite the efforts from a number of local businesses, various barriers exist and affect the implementation of achieving sustainability initiatives in the tourism industry in the destination. Yet, a cohesive and inclusive strategy still can be developed to move this tourist destination towards sustainability.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Where I Was From: An Exploration of Joan Didion’s Personal and Social Unrest

Where I Was From is a cultured collection of essays written in 2003. To be able to fully understand the intricate notions woven in the book, there is a need to comprehend the creator’s style and background, for the readers to visualize where all the viewpoints and misapprehensions come from. Joan Didion, the creator behind this politically, socially and emotionally linked memoir is a renowned American journalist, essayist, and novelist. Much of her works relates to her life in California, her hometown, mostly during the 1960’s. She is commended for her style in writing mixed personal reflections and social analyses. She writes about paranoia, clear-eyed analyses of the American culture, and personal and social discontent. She was known to be a conservative writer during her early years, but later adapted to the liberal tenets of democracy. She had written five novles, eight nonfiction including Where I come From, and also had collaborations with her husband, John Gregory Dunne, in writing a number of screenplays (Encyclopedia of World Biography on Joan Didion, n. . , p. 1). Where I Was From centers about the history of California, and Joan Didion’s relationship to it and to her mother. Noticeably, she loves the use of commas and lengthy sentences to highlight her narration. Her tune seems melancholic, expressing her confusions about the place, and the way in which she grew up. She feels that there is a sense of perplexity on which she has become. Thus, she contemplated on the American frontier myth, which refers to the unresolved land outside the region of existing settlements of Americans. The American Frontier is a ‘mythical place’ where unrestrained free land was available, resulting to unlimited opportunity (Eidenbach, 2008, p. 99). Where I Was From 3 She also pinpointed the ferocity of a group of popular white high school men, referred to as the Spur Posse incident of 1993. They used a ‘point-system’ record to account for their sexual conquests (Fineman, 1997, p. 177). In addition, when the industry about aircrafts and defense weaponries during the World War II flourished, the people from Lakewood, Califfornia, did as well. Later on, it turned out that the industry was built with the Feds support. Dismally, when that support was withdrawn, the industry doomed. These facts are just some of the historical context implicated in the book (Godbersen, 2003, p. 1). Based on my understanding, Joan Didion uses this as a metaphor in comparison with her life, and generally the rustic myth of California’s origins. What is seen and observed literally does not depict the real circumstances being dealt upon. The veneer of life’s misapprehensions cannot be uncovered by the present analysis itself, for circumstances are intertwined and indeed perplexing to the mind. She compares it with her life, believing she had known herself and her history for so long, only to find out that her viewpoints are inadequate to portray the truth. Joan Didion’s work is so complex in it entirety, it was rich with personal experiences and historical context throughout each essay. Some facts were even misleading to the querying mind. Nevertheless, they are still all intertwined with each other, somehow. It is difficult to summarize such an intricate work, but she retaliates to her readers with an overall realization, that is, the culture that we see today is a direct consequence of a population of survivalists. References Eidenbach, K. (2008). Critical Legal Studies and the Lawless Frontier. Retrieved November 4, 2008, from: http://www.thecritui.com/articles/kirstin.pdf Encyclopedia of World Biography on Joan Didion. (n.d.). Retrieved November 4, 2008, from:Â  http://www.bookrags.com/biography/joan-didion/ Fineman, M., & McCluskey, M. (October 1, 1997). Feminism, Media, and the Law. Retrieved November 4, 2008, from: http://books. google.com/books?id=H2hRAVkc0nMC&pg=PA178&lpg=PA178&dq=spur+posse+incident&source=bl&ots=gWgOvMmeXq&sig=SSExAlIv4BXGJjruegEXXG-uRkI&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=1&ct=result#PPA177,M1 Godbersen, A. (October 15, 2003). California story. Retrieved November 4, 2008, from: http://www.powells.com/review/2003_10_15.html